Bangladesh Calls US to Stop War in Iraq - 2003-03-29

Bangladesh government has formally asked the US to stop war in Iraq. The US Ambassador in Bangladesh, Mary Ann Peter was called in the foreign ministry where the Minister for Foreign Affairs M Morshed Khan informed her of the governments stand . He said that Bangladesh has always been against this war and that there is no change in Bangladesh's position.The US Ambassador informed Bangladeshi Foreign Minister that she will convey this piece pf information to her government in Washington. The decision to inform the US Ambassador in Bangladesh was taken in a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia .

Iraqi Charge'de Affairs in Bangladesh while exchanging opinions with the Supreme Court Bar Association said that an unjustified war was thrust on Iraq even though Iraq was responding to UN requests.

In the meantime ,a leader of the Islamic Shashontontro Andolon -- a fundamentalist movement in Bangladesh , the Pir of Char Monai Maulana Fazlul Karim said that US and British diplomatic missions in Bangladesh should remain closed until this war was over .

[ For details click on 1600 UTC]