Rocca Promises Concessions to Bangladesh - 2003-03-02

US Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca , now visiting Bangladesh , in a meeting with the Bangladeshi Foreign Minister M Morshed Khan has assured him of certain concessions to be given to the non-immigrant citizens of Bangladesh now staying in the USA . She said that no Bangladeshi will be turned out of the country during next 10 to 15 months time and if any one found illegally staying in USA returned to Bangladesh within 120 days , would have no adverse affect in procuring US visa in future. She also mentioned that a legal counselling would be given to the Bangladeshis and the time of registration for the Bangladeshis will be increased for a month.

Ms Rocca met Prime Minister Khaleda Zia and recalled the role of Bangladesh in the fight against global terrorism. Begum Zia underscored the importance of exports of Bangladeshi goods to USA and she particularly mentioned about the Garments Industry where two million women are working. The US Assistant Secretary of State assured that she would mention the Prime Minister's concerns to the US government .

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