Israeli Defense Minister Names al-Qaida as Prime Suspect in Mombasa Attack - 2002-12-01

Israel's Defense Minister has named Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network as a prime suspect in last week's suicide bombing at an Israeli-owned hotel in Kenya that killed 16 people.

Shaul Mofaz said today (Sunday) in Jerusalem that suspicions that al-Qaida was behind the blast are deepening, although there is no tangible evidence.

Israel says it will also investigate why it was not aware of a possible attack in Kenya. Both the Australian and German governments each issued advisories against travel to Kenya in the days before the bombing.

Three suicide bombers rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the Paradise Hotel on Thursday in Mombasa, killing 16 people, including themselves and three Israelis.

Kenyan investigators report they have found two fragments of the bomb -- parts of a gas cylinder fastened to the underside of the vehicle to create a bigger explosion. Police have found the registration plate for the vehicle and are still searching for the owner.

Kenyan authorities continue to hold for questioning six Pakistanis and four Somalis who they say arrived in Kenya by boat last week from Somalia.

Three Kenyan dancers killed in the attack were buried today (Sunday) in the village of Kikambala. They were all members of the same family and performed in the Giriama traditional dance troupe.