Obama Hosts Conference of Muslim Entrepreneurs

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U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday announced new exchange programs between entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim majority countries at the start of a two-day conference in Washington.

Mr. Obama said the programs will bring business and social entrepreneurs from the Muslim world to the United States, while American counterparts are to be sent overseas so each side can learn from each other.

One of the exchange programs involve high-tech leaders from the Silicon Valley in California who will share their expertise with Turkey and with countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Mr. Obama said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will host a second summit on entrepreneurship next year.

More than 250 entrepreneurs from 50 countries, most with large Muslim populations, are attending this week's conference, which fulfills a pledge Mr. Obama made in a speech in Cairo last June.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke opened the summit by saying entrepreneurship unites America with Muslim communities and is a powerful force for change. He said boosting Muslim business would not only help the Islamic world but would advance U.S. security and trade.

The event is bringing together young start-up entrepreneurs along with seasoned veterans, government officials, bankers and other experts.

Amir Khasru, VOA correspondent from Dhaka, spoke to diplomat M. Zamir on this topic.