Possible Air France Debris Spotted in Atlantic

Brazilian search planes have spotted aircraft debris in an area of the South Atlantic where an Air France jetliner disappeared Monday off Brazil's northeastern coast.

Authorities said searchers spotted airplane seats, oil and metal parts about 650 kilometers off the coast. There were no signs of survivors.

Early Tuesday afternoon, the Brazilian navy said it had diverted three nearby commercial ships to the debris field and said two of the vessels were already at the site and examining the materials. A third ship is expected within hours.

Brazilian naval ships are due in the area late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Additionally, the U.S. Navy has deployed a 21-crew (Orion) surveillance aircraft, and France is sending a ship that can drop unmanned submarines to depths of 6,000 meters.

The Airbus A330 plane carrying 228 people vanished early Monday, about four hours after departing Rio de Janeiro for Paris.