Maneeza Hossain  New Monograph : Broken Pendulum Bangladesh’s Swing to Radicalism

Maneeza Hossain, a Bangladeshi American Senior Fellow in Washington DC’s Hudson Institute, while talking about her recent monograph Broken Pendulum Bangladesh’s Swing to Radicalism, analyzed the reasons behind the acceptability of the military backed government in Bangladesh which Maneeza thinks is an outcome of a quiet military coup in Dhaka.

She clearly says that if the power is not returned to people if democracy does not gain ground in Bangladesh , the swing towards , what she called, Islamism, will continue The popularity of a politicized Islam in Bangladesh should not be surprising. Bangladeshi identity has been forged of two main components, sometimes in harmony, at other times in competition: Islam and Bengali nationalism.

However, the character of this new swing of the pendulum, in favor of Islam, is new to Bangladesh. It is being driven by international militant Islamist organizations as part of a larger global struggle.

If Bangladesh is to survive as a democracy, and if South Asia and the rest of the world are to be spared another failed Islamist state, where radical activists would find refuge, this pandering to radical Islamism must end.

Discussant Professor Hussain Haqqani from Boston University apprehends the Pakistanization of Bangladesh by which he meant Bangladesh too might fall into prey in the hands of Islamists and radical Islamists.