Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Monday, June 14, 2021 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 06142021 1130 UTC Intro Today: Monday, June 14, 2021 7:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 6 minutes · Foreign minister’s New York Visit: Dhaka to press for early repatriation of Rohingya. · India: Fire rips through Rohingya camp, leaving hundreds homeless. · Armed conflict is on the rise as violence escalates in Myanmar · G-7 leaders to pledge 1 billion doses of Covid vaccines to low-income nations. · 'Intense' Iran nuclear talks resume as Germany calls for rapid progress. Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Report: Mohammed Idris Abdullah (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 7:45 minutes Topic: Khin Maung, Rohingya Youth Expresses Concern about the absence of better Treatment and Covid-19 Vaccination in Cox's Bazar Migrant Camp Translation Summary: Khing Maung, a Rohingya youth and founder of camp based Rohingya Youth Association-RYA said to VOA Rohingya Lifeline Program, said, “We have been trying to empower youths and work for the welfare of our community as well in the camp. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis is not a crisis for the Rohingya it's also a crisis for all people around the world.Many people around Bangladesh including Cox's Bazar Rohingya migrants camp have died and still many suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic”.Khin Maung added, “People affected by some diseases such as diabetes, pneumonia etc. do not get better treatment for such diseases in the camp that's why people need to go to Cox's Bazar government or private hospitals for better treatment weekly or monthly but they can't go due to COVID-19 pandemic”. “So, it's the truth that the peoples are in difficulties and challenges in camp during this pandemic”, said Khin Maung. Besides, King Maung said that every single government is trying to vaccinate the COVID-19 vaccines to their respective people but not for the Refugee of those countries. Even UNHCR, the UN Refugee agency are not demanding the COVID-19 vaccines for the Refugees. He added, “ I want to request again and again to the government of Bangladesh, NGOs/INGOs, and the international community to remember our appeal and request to implement and ensure better treatment facilities and COVID vaccines in the camp . Report: VOA News Translator: Mohammed Rukon Uddin (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 7:15 minutes Topic: Taking steps to utilise Rohingya youths in Cox’s Bazar is monumental-Rohingya says. Translation Summary: 22 years old Emdad Ullah from kutupalong camp works in an NGO as a volunteer. He feels disappointed when he sees no future for the youth who have different skills. He said,” Rohingya youths are the unfortunate human beings who don’t have any sorts of facility in the camp. About half of the Rohingya population consists of children and youth. Many youth have different sets of skills which they can’t utilize because they don’t have any ground of presenting their skills. I have seen many youths who have skills in rendering songs, photography, electrical or technical skills. But they do not have the opportunity to display their skills. So I urge upon relevant authority to consider their effort and create a ground from where they can be recognized through their skills”. Rohingya song Duration: 2:00 minutes Program Closing Announcement: Sami Ahmed Production: Selim Hossain /Sanjana Feroz Engineer: N/A