Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Friday, May 07, 2021 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 05072021 1130 UTC Intro Today: Friday, May 07, 2021 7:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 6 minutes · The Rohingyas spending their first Ramadan in Bhasanchar Island. · UN Security Council: Adopt Global Arms Embargo on Myanmar · Burma campaign UK welcomes Japan arms embargo on Burma · Calling on Russia to stop reckless and aggressive activities: Blinken · China's arrival in Africa is a new threat: US General Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Related item code: 9-P Duration: 10:00 minutes Interviewer: Hamid Hussain (VOA Rohingya Lifeline reporter) Guest: Dr.Wakar Uddin, Ph.D. Professor, Pennsylvania State University Director General, Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) Founding Chairman, The Burmese Rohingya Assoc. N. America Supreme Council, The Muslim World League Topic: Discussion on US Congress Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on current unstable the situation in Myanmar and National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic minority issues. Translation Summary: Professor Wakar Uddin told VOA Rohingya Lifeline that this clearly indicates that the US Government views the Rohingya crisis as a big national issue in Burma just like the current political crisis in Myanmar. That will give a clear and deeper understanding of the Rohingya crisis to the US public. During this hearing, many Congressmen like Ted Lieu, Brad Sherman, and others raised series of questions about Rohingya issues. Actually, Rohingya issues dominated this hearing on the NUG. The Congressmen asked the Myanmar PR to UN, U Kyaw Moe Tun, why there is no Rohingya representation in the 17-member NUG Committee. The Congressman told Myanmar PR that they cannot support the NUG if there is no Rohingya representation in the NUG Committee. The PR gave some diplomatic answers to those questions, but it did not appear that the Congressman was satisfied. He added, about the NUG’s position on the Rohingya issue that only some symbolic gestures are made by some NUG officials towards Rohingya without addressing substantive issues and there will be no tangible result in the efforts by the NUG to bring a meaningful democratic system of Government in Myanmar. We all should recognize that there should be mutual respect from both sides. We would like to work with NUG in good faith and we expect the same from them. What do I mean by that, is a substantive engagement going far beyond just symbolic gestures by some NUG members and ministers. He said, the Biden administration’s position on the determination of the Rohingya Genocide, will take some time, but it will come at a due course of time. There is currently an inter-agency review led by Secretary Blinken, while they are also carefully monitoring the political climate in Burma and the geopolitical situation in the region. About possible recognition of the NUG Government by Biden Administration, it is unclear at this point. The US Government is watching how the NUG is conducting itself while formulating policies to address key issues like Rohingya and other ethnic minority issues. We have to be cautious and weigh in with all perspectives. I urge all the activists to unite and not give anyone the opportunity to exclude Rohingya on a false reason of discord or variable voices in our community. When NUG decides to include Rohingya representation in the Committee (making an 18-member Committee), we should be ready to accept it. In the meantime, all countries and all members of the international community must continue to convince the NUG committee to include Rohingya representation in the NUG, Dr. Wakar told VOA Rohingya Lifeline during the interview. Report: VOA News Related