Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Thursday, March 18, 2021 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 03182021 1130 UTC Intro Today: Thursday, March 18, 2021 6:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 7 minutes · U.N. makes first visit to remote Bangladesh island since Rohingya moved · War Zone of Hunger and Fear in Yangon as Myanmar’s Last Independent Newspaper is Shut Down · Residents fled the industrial area of Yangon, Myanmar's largest city. · Rising Food and Fuel Prices Threat to the Poorest and most Vulnerable in Myanmar · Beijing urges 'more vigorous' steps by Myanmar to protect Chinese interests · India-Mizoram State Lawmaker: Cannot send Myanmar exiles back · Putin will have to pay the price for interfering in US elections: Biden · The top two U.S. ministers are now in South Korea from Japan Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Reporter: Sabera Begum (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 6:36 minutes Topic: Dispute is a daily problem in densely populated Rohingya camps; NGOs are keen to reduce this. Translation Summary: The government of Bangladesh has been providing all kinds of services starting from giving rations to them through NGOs and INGOs. NGOs and INGOs are trying to maintain a conducive environment in the camp and train the Rohingyas to live in peace without quarreling among them and this work is done through Community Volunteers. Sayed Mohammad is a community volunteer of BRAC NGO. He said that when Rohingyas were in their own country, they lived in large areas; they did not have the habit of living in densely populated areas like camps. He further added that the shelters in the camp are very small and one shelter is connected to another shelter, so it is normal to quarrel with each other. Rohingyas are taught how to stay away from quarrels and how to settle disputes among themselves. Moreover, Sayed Muhammad said that awareness sessions were held on how to protect Rohingyas from various diseases, especially from Covid-19. Report: VOA News Reporter: Mohammed Idris Abdullah (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 8:00 minutes Topic: Ali Ahammed, A Rohingya Youth Talked About WASH-Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Facility and Urge for Adequate Latrine, Washroom, Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation Services in Cox’s Bazar Migrant Camp Translation Summary: Ali Ahammed, temporary resident of Kutupalong Camp# 05 said VOA Rohingya Lifeline Program that Rohingya are suffering from different types of diseases such diarrhea, vomiting, fever and other due to inadequate WASH- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Facility in the camp. Ali said that Rohingya can use toilets and washrooms because NGO Forum has provided services and it has appointed some female Rohingya volunteers to wash latrines and washrooms since 2018. NGO forum has also provided water and soap in the bathrooms. But now the washrooms and latrines are dirty again and there is none to take care of these places. They need to be renovated and proper care should be taken . Rohingya are not getting adequate water said Ali. So, the Rohingya have to drink water from tube-well which is not safe. Ali said, “So, I want to request the concern NGO/INGO, government of Bangladesh and international community to safe the Rohingya from getting affected with diseases. They should ensure adequate, safe water supply, latrines, washrooms and sanitation service in the migrants’ camp. Rohingya Song: Duration: 3:00 minutes Program Closing Announcement: Sami Ahmed Production: Selim Hossain /Sanjana Feroz Engineer: N/A