Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Thursday, December 24, 2020 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 12242020 1130 UTC Intro Today: Thursday, December 24, 2020 7:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 7 minutes · Turkey wants immediate solution to Rohingya crisis · Turkey reiterates support for Rohingya in Bangladesh · The fall of Netanyahu's government in Israel: new elections in March · Chinese workers working through foreign countries are being detained Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Reporter: Mohammed Idris Abdullah (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 6:21 minutes Topic: New Type of Coronavirus Identified in Britain, South Africa Source: Translation Summary: A new kind, or strain, of the coronavirus has been found in Britain and South Africa. Health experts in Britain and the United States say the new strain seems to infect more easily than others. However, there is no evidence showing it to be more deadly. Patrick Vallance is the British government’s chief scientific adviser. He said the new strain “moves fast and is becoming the” stronger strain. By the end of December, it is estimated that it will have caused over 60 percent of infections in London. It is unclear if this new strain causes a more severe form of COVID-19. Reporter: Sabera Begum (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 7:02 minutes Topic: Blood collection, purpose disease control and research of Rohingyas by IEDCR. Translation Summary: Mr. Saidul Alam (28) is living Camp # 05, Block # 8, Kutupalong, Lambashiya, Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar. Mr. Alam said a 'Blood Collection' program has been launched by IEDCR from 1st December. Blood samples are collecting from Rohingyas in the camp for disease diagnosis, control and research. He said that a family member is selected through lottery and then the sample is collected by going to that family. If someone is reluctant to give blood sample, they are not forced. He said they collect blood samples from seven families a day. He has so far collected blood samples from 36 families. And this activity will continue throughout the month. He added that if any disease is diagnosed through blood test, they have been assured that the disease will be treated. Rofiya Begum (50) is living Camp # 05, Block # 12, Kutupalong, Lambashiya, Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar.. Rofiya told theytook blood samples from her for diagnostic and research purposes. She gave a blood sample at her own pleasure and was not forced to do so. She further said that if any of her diseases were detected through blood test, she is assured of better treatment. She thinks it is a very good initiative. Rohingya song Duration: 3:00 minutes Program Closing Announcement: Sami Ahmed Production: Selim Hossain /Sanjana Feroz Engineer: N/A