Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Monday, December 21, 2020 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 12212020 1130 UTC Intro Today: Monday, December 21, 2020 7:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 6 minutes · 104 British MPs ask UK govt to engage in ICJ Rohingya case · Myanmar’s Military Sentences Three Soldiers to 20 Years for Rape in Rakhine · Joe Biden will bring about a complete change in climate policy · A number of countries in Europe and the Middle East have banned British flights Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Report: Sabera Begum (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 6:40 minutes Topic: Rohingya old people and children in the Camp are suffering in winter. Translation Summary: Mr. Mohammed Hashem (27) who lives in Camp # 12, Block # G-1, Balukhali-2, Thaingkhali, Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar says refugees really have to suffer a lot in winter, Older and younger children in particular suffer a lot. Most of the elderly and children suffer from pneumonia due to the extreme cold in the camps. He added that the refugees received winter clothes from the NGO last year but has not received any winter clothes so far this year. Lacking adequate winter clothing, the refugee children and the elderly are having a hard time. Mr. Mohammed Ayub (36) is Imam of Camp Mosque & Teacher of Al-Madrasatul Islamia Esha-Tulm Mata-Fitul Quran-E-Kaarim Wa-daril-Aitun who lives in Camp # 12, Block # C5, Thaingkhali, Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar says it is very cold in the camp now; they are suffering from various diseases especially pneumonia in children and asthma in the elderly as they do not have enough winter clothes. He added that most of the refugees in the camps cannot afford to buy and use winter clothes, which makes the Rohingyas in the camps suffering more in the winter. Report: VOA News Related item code: 9-P Duration: 7:17 minutes Translator: Mohammed Idris Abdullah (Cox’s Bazar) Topic: Rohingyas are now satisfied about World Food Program's Food Distribution Scheme Translation Summary: Sayed Alam, temporary resident of camp#07 said that he has been working as a Supervisor of Communication with Community Rohingya volunteers of World Food Program. Alam said that as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread in an unpredictable manner it presents a growing risk to all stakeholders involved in food assistance, particularly during food distributions. So, World Food Program (WFP) has distributed food in baskets (without any choice but mixture of average food items) only to reduce time on distribution site by making packages/kits prior to commencing the distribution but Rohingya were did not like it said, Alam. So, following the complaints of beneficiary and market price of food items World Food Program(WFP) has decided to distribute food items of (931.10) takas per head in this month, December 2020. So, 13-KG rice of (617.50) takas or more, 1-KG lentils of (37) takas or more and other items are allowed to be delivered to beneficiary as per their choice with remaining takas, Alam said. Moreover, Alam said that the “HELP DESK” in the Food Distribution Point (Outlet) of World Food Program are setup and the “Hotline numbers” are given to share opinions and complain about anything by beneficiary, Rohingya. The Communication with Community (CWC) Rohingya volunteers of World Food Program(WFP) visit regularly door to door of beneficiary and explained them what to do if they have any complain regarding food distribution and how they will go for ration and receive maintaining the instruction of World Health Organization(WHO) which makes the Rohingya very much satisfied said Alam. Rohingya song Duration: 3:00 minutes Program Closing Announcement: Sami Ahmed Production: Selim Hossain