Rohingya Broadcast

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Rohingya Broadcast Rohingya “Lifeline” radio - Monday, August 31, 2020 MC & News: Sami Ahmed & Mohammed Hussain \\arsenic\netexchange$\Bangla\MP3 ROH Lifeline 08312020 1130 UTC Intro Today: Monday, August 31, 2020 7:30 a.m. (Washington, D.C., USA) News Headlines Duration: 6 minutes · Conflict between frustrated old Rohingyas and new Rohingyas on the spread of dominance inside the camp. Injured 3 · Updated short report on COVID-19 pandemic of the Rohingya migrant camp. · More than 1,300 coronaviruses positive in US universities · Xinjiang, Hong Kong 'China does not want to interfere' · At Least 10 UN, INGO Workers Hit by COVID-19 in Myanmar’s Rakhine State · Myanmar leader Suu Kyi assures there will be no food shortages in Rakhine State Shortwave: 31-meter band, 9350 kHz; 25-meter band, 11700 kHz and 12030 kHz Medium wave (AM): 1575 kHz Report: VOA News Related item code: 9-P Duration: 6:30 minutes Translator: Sabera Begum (Cox’s Bazar) Topic: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Sources: Summary: Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe, announced Friday he is resigning from office because of a health problem. The Japanese leader spoke with reporters about his decision. He said, “Faced with the illness and treatment, as well as the pain of lacking physical strength...I decided I should not stay on as prime minister when I’m no longer capable of living up to the people’s expectations with confidence.” Abe has long battled ulcerative colitis, a chronic, or long-lasting, bowel disease. This summer, he visited a Tokyo hospital two weeks in a row for medical exams. Abe said he now has a new treatment. He noted his failure to settle the issue of Japanese kidnapped by North Korea, a territorial dispute with Russia, and amending Japan’s constitution. Abe’s resignation marks the end of a period of stability in a country famously known for changing prime ministers. Report: Mohammed Rukon Uddin (Cox’s Bazar) Related item code: 9-P Duration: 7:55 minutes Topic: Reaction of Rohingya on resuming 3G and 4G internet facility in the camp. Translation Summary: 3G and 4G internet facility resumed on 28th August 2020 after a year of ban. Chief corporate officer of Robi Axiata Ltd confirmed that internet facility has resumed according to the instructions of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Board (BTRC). Rohingyas in the camp expressed their happiness on this decision. Abdul Malek (32) currently lives in kutupalong camp 2. He is one amongst forcibly displaced Rohingya during 2017. He mentioned about the importance of having internet facility. He said,” People in the camp are expressing their happiness on this decision. I have seen people have started to talk to their loved ones. In fact, I have talked to my sister who lives in Myanmar after about a year. People are now getting international news and being benefited from so many platforms. Malek also talked about how internet facility will help students to study at home and getting proper coronavirus updates.. People got coronavirus update from VOA lifeline or some other platform. Now using internet mass people will be able to get authentic news and updates”. Translation Summary: Rohingya song Duration: 3:00 minutes Program Closing Announcement: Sami Ahmed Production: Selim Hossain /Sanjana Feroz Engineer: N/A