অ্যাকসেসিবিলিটি লিংক

“If I were the Chairman of an Independent Anti-Corruption Commission,” says Dr Muhammad Yunus

In a seminar on , “ Corruption: Nature , Causes and Remedies “ , in Dhaka, the eminent economist and the chairman of the Grameen Bank , Dr Muhammad Yunus read a paper where he said that it was not difficult to curb corruption only if there was a will. Dr Yunus said that the whole country was submerged in corruption but there could be way out and the corruption could be curbed provided there was sincerity to do that. He strongly criticized the government for turning a blind eye to corruption while no file could be moved in offices without offering bribes in every step of the administration. The discussants included eminent economists,development workers , businessmen ,journalists and members of civil society who observed that existing laws are inadequate to check corruption and financial irregularities. A general political support and strong commitment of politicians are essential to establish a corruption-free society.
